Students Technology Quick Start Guide
Follow these steps to get started with the technology resources at Forsyth Tech
1. TechID Account
- Curriculum students will receive a welcome email to your personal email address. The email will come from Student Onboarding <>.
- Within the email will be a link to finish setting up your Forsyth Tech account.
- Opening that link will display the following page
- Enter your Tech ID (located in the welcome email), date of birth, and zip code.
- Click the “Send OTP” button.
- You will receive another email with a verification code.
- Type that verification code into the “Enter OTP” box and click Submit.
- You will be taken to the next screen
- Here you will enter your initial password for your Forsyth Tech account.
- It may take up to 60 seconds to process your request. Please do not navigate away from the page.
- Upon completion, you will be taken to the Navigate portal
- Click the Login with your school account button.
- You may be asked to set up additional information about your account.
If you have issues initially logging in or setting up the Microsoft Authenticator app, please either call 866-517-3567 or visit Allman 106, ITS Support Center for more assistance.
If you ever forget your password or need to change it, please visit the
TechID Self-Service portal
2. Techlink
Using Techlink gives you access to campus information, campus events, financial information, class schedule, student email, and much more.
Visit Techlink
3. Student Email & Office 365
Students at Forsyth Tech have access to student email through Office 365. It is expected that students will check their email account regularly. Note: Login with your TechID and TechID Password.
1. Access student email directly @

2. Download your free copy of Microsoft Office 365 - Click here for instructions.

4. MyForsythTech
In MyForsythTech you can view your finance information, access financial aid data, plan your semester & much more!

5. Navigate Forsyth Tech

Navigate Forsyth Tech is an online platform and app specifically created for you, the college student.
- Stay updated on approaching deadlines
- Be reminded of critical tasks each semester
- Learn about resources available to you
- Find out when events are happening
- Schedule an appointment with your advisor or tutor
All of this information and more is available at your fingertips.
Download the Navigate Student App

6. TechAlerts
TechAlerts will notify you in the event of campus closings, emergency situation, campus events, or important reminders. Faculty, staff, and curriculum students will be automatically enrolled in the TechAlert system. Please visit your profile to verify your mobile phone number and email address is correct.
- Visit
- Select the My Account tab, if not already selected.
- Within the Mobile Phones or Email sections, select the Add button to enter additional contact methods to your profile.
- Select the Edit button (pen and paper icon) to make changes to any contact information already in the system.
- Select the red X next to any contact information that should no longer be listed in the alerts system.
Optional TechAlerts
You may opt into the following lists to receive important notifications such as payment reminders or ITS system outage alerts:
7. Technology Resources
While visiting Forsyth Tech’s various campuses, students may take advantage of our open computer labs, where computers are offered for student use.
There are open computer labs in the following locations:
Main Campus:
Walk-in Technology Help
Students are also encouraged to seek technical assistance via our ITS Support Walk-in located on Main Campus in Allman 106.
Get in-person assistance at our ITS Support Center Walk-in with the following:
- TechID account & password assistance
- Assistance with Virus removal
- Connecting to campus WiFi
- Office 365 installation & support
Open Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM