Personal OneDrive Setup
A personal OneDrive account should only be used to store personal files. Use your Forsyth Tech OneDrive for Business account to store Forsyth Tech documents and files.
Create a personal OneDrive account
1. Go to and select Sign up for free.
2. Select Create a Microsoft account.
3. Type your personal email address and the password you want to use, and select Next.
NOTE: Do not use for Forsyth Tech email address.
Or select Use a phone number instead, enter your phone number, and select Next.
If you use a phone number, you’ll receive a code on your phone. Enter the code, and then select Next.
Setup Office to save files to personal OneDrive
1. Open Microsoft Word.
2. Create a new blank document.
3. Select File > Save As.
4. Select Add a Place
5. Select OneDrive
6. Enter your personal OneDrive account email and password.
7. You will now have a OneDrive - Personal area to save your personal documents to.
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