How do I Opt Out of First Day / Inclusive Access Program
To enhance your learning experience and provide affordable access to the right resources for your class, your course is part of an inclusive access program. You can easily access these resources for the discounted price, and benefit from single sign-on access with no codes required.
Your school will bill you at the Opt-In Price as a course charge for this class.
Please be advised it is NOT recommended that you Opt-Out, as these materials are required by your professor to complete the course. Should you choose to Opt-Out, you will then be responsible for purchasing your course materials at the Opt-Out Price and may have to work outside of the e-learning platform.
To opt-out, click the ‘Want to opt-out?’ button, select your reason why and click Opt Out. If you Opt out, you will be responsible for purchasing these materials on your own.

You are now Opted-Out and can Opt In again until the deadline. To do so, select ‘Want to opt-in?’ on the material. To purchase materials from the bookstore, select Buy Now. Please note, if purchasing materials from the bookstore you will pay a higher price as once you opt out, you no longer have access to the discounted rate.