How to Download a Blackboard Collaborate Session’s Chat Recording
1. Log into the desired Blackboard course.
2. In the side menu, locate “Course Tools” and then “Blackboard Collaborate Ultra” as shown below:

3. Click on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.
4. In the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra pane, click on the three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner and click on “Recordings”.

5. Click on the name of the recording you would like the chat transcript for and click “Watch Now”.

6. Once the recording has opened, click on the lower left-hand corner arrows to open the chat panel as shown below:

7. Once open, press the play button. You will now be able to see the chat in real time as the recording progresses.
8. To download the chat transcript, click the Recording menu button in the upper left-hand corner.

9. Within the Recording menu, click on “Download Chat”.

10. This will download the chat transcript to your computer. It can be found in your Downloads folder or in the folder which you designated it to download to.