Accessing Respondus Lockdown Browser on a ForsythTech Managed Chromebook ** IMPORTANT NOTES** Respondus Lockdown Browser for Chromebooks will only function on Chromebooks that are managed by Forsyth Technical Community College. Respondus Lockdown Browser for Chromebooks will not function with Respondus Monitor How To Students can launch LockDown Browser by selecting “LockDown Browser” from the Apps link on their login screen. The Apps link is found on the bottom left of Chromebook's display and is next to Shutdown button The first time LockDown Browser is started, the user will be presented with a dialog to enter their institution name and then select it from the list shown. This is a one-time process; on subsequent exams, students won’t be required to enter this information. When LockDown Browser starts, the login page for Forsythtech's Blackboard will appear and the student can log in and navigate to the exam that requires LockDown Browser. During an exam, the student will be locked into the testing environment until the assessment is submitted for grading.Once the exam is complete, a student will be able to review the exam feedback (if the exams settings permit this). To fully exit LockDown Browser, the user must restart the Chromebook.