[Instructors] Add Azure VM Desktop to your Blackboard Learn course
Creating a weblink in your Blackboard course:
1. Navigate to your course in Blackboard & click the plus sign at the top of the left toolbar.

2. In the drop down, select "Web link"

3. In the Web link creation window, ensure that the following is filled out:
Name: Azure VM Desktop (The name of the tab that students will click to access the resource)
URL: https://client.wvd.microsoft.com/arm/webclient/index.html (The link used to access their Azure Virtual Machine)
Check "Available to Users"

4. After clicking "Submit", a link will be generated as a clickable option in the left toolbar (The link often appears towards the bottom of the left toolbar). Click and drag the up/down arrow on the left hand side of the link to move the location of the link in the toolbar - ITS recommends moving the option under "Quick Links"

5. **IMPORTANT** Click the dropdown arrow on the right side of the link and select "Set Link to Open in a New Window".
Note: If you do not add this option, the Azure VM will not open.

Students will now be able to click that link to access their Azure Virtual Machine after they have been granted access by ITS. Your students will need to sign in using their Forsyth Tech login information.
Known issues:
If your students receive the following message, please direct them to contact ITS:
Students can only have one instance of Azure Virtual Machine open at a time. If they try to open multiple VM's, their VM will freeze up.