Accounts and Passwords
Get help changing your password, unlocking your account, and logging in to TechLink, Blackboard, and MyForsythTech.
Reset a Forgotten Password
1. To begin, visit the TechID Self-Service portal @ 2. Select Reset Password. 3. Enter your TechID (ex. Enter the captcha below. Select Next. 4. If you don't know your password, select the first option 'I forgot my password', then click Next. Note: If you know your password, click here to follow our guide for Unlocking your Account. 5. Select the verification method you setup here, then continue to the next step. Note: If you have not setup a verification method, you will need to contact the ITS Support Center @ (866) 517-3567. 6. Enter the Verification Code you were sent... Then click Next. 7. You can now create a new password following these requirements: Minimum 8 characters Must contain an Uppercase letter Must contain a number OR special character Cannot contain username, SSN, First name, or Last name Cannot use previous 6 passwords If you were successful you can now login to your account through the TechLink Login Page! If you are still having trouble signing in please contact the ITS Support Center @ (866) 517-3567 or come by our Walk-In desk in Allman Building, room 106, on Main Campus.
Unlock Your Account
1. To begin, visit the TechID Self-Service portal @ 2. Select Reset Password. 3. Enter your TechID (ex. Enter the captcha below. Select Next. 4. If you know your password, select the second option 'I know my password, but still can't sign in', then click Next. Note: If you don't know your password, click here to follow our guide for Resetting Your Forgotten Password. 5. Select the verification method you setup here, then continue to the next step. Note: If you have not setup a verification method, you will need to contact the ITS Support Center @ (866) 517-3567. 6. Enter the Verification Code you were sent... Then click Next. After clicking next, your account will be unlocked and you can login through the TechLink Login Page! If you are still having trouble signing in please contact the ITS Support Center @ (866) 517-3567 or come by our Walk-In desk in Allman Building, room 106, on Main Campus.
Primary Constituency Error (Techlink)
1. If you receive the following error message please click on the 'Request Account Constituency Fix' link. 2. Fill out and Submit the form that opens with all required information. After submitting the form, if your information was entered correctly, your account will be fixed within an hour.
What is my TechID and Initial Password?
What is my TechID username? Your TechID can be determined using the following formula: Last Name + First Initial of Your First Name + Day You Were Born + Last Two Digits of Your Student ID Number Example: Name: Michelle Student Birthday: 05/23/81 Student ID: 5843229 TechID = studentm2329 What is my initial password? Your initial TechID password can be determined using the following formula: Capital first letter of last name + lowercase second letter of last name + Date of Birth (MMDDYY) Example: Name: Michelle Student Birthday: 05/23/81 Password = St052381 Use this information to log in at
Accessing your account from outside of the US
All sign-in attempts from outside of the United States are blocked by default. If you're traveling out of the country soon, or are already outside of the US and need to access your account, you'll need to fill out our International Travel form. After the form is submitted, it will be reviewed by our security team. After it's been approved, you'll receive an email informing you of the approval. From this point, you should be able to access your FT account. International Travel form:
New Student Onboarding Walkthrough
1. You will receive a welcome email to your personal email address. The email will come from Student Onboarding . 2. Within the email will be a link to finish setting up your Forsyth Tech account. 3. Opening that link will display the following page 4. Enter your Tech ID (located in the welcome email), date of birth, and zip code. 5. Click the “Send OTP” button. 6. You will receive another email with a verification code. 7. Type that verification code into the “Enter OTP” box and click Submit. 8. You will be taken to the next screen 9. Here you will enter your initial password for your Forsyth Tech account. 10. It may take up to 60 seconds to process your request. Please do not navigate away from the page. 11. Upon completion, you will be taken to the Techlink portal 13. You may be asked to set up additional information about your account.