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Azure VM - Common problems/known issues

Modified on: Wed, Sep 11 2024 4:50 PM

Common Issues:

Sign in issues

  • To sign into Azure VM, you'll need to use your TechID and password (these are the same credentials used to sign into your email, Blackboard, Techlink, etc.)

  • If you receive an error that states invalid username/password, double check your username and password are both correct. If you're on a Chromebook, ensure you're signed into your Chromebook with your Forsyth Tech account. If you're using a personal Chromebook and you don't want to sign in with your Forsyth Tech account, open your Azure VM in a private browsing window. See the following guide if you're unsure how to open a private browsing tab:

Azure VM won't load/doesn't prompt login

  • If you have issues with the VM loading (get stuck on black screen, no option to sign in, infinite loading), please ensure that you're using a link within your Blackboard course to access the VM. If there isn't a link to the VM within your course, or if your VM doesn't open in a new tab, please reach out and let ITS know by submitting a ticket at:
  • If you or your instructor hasn't already reached out to us to request access, you will need to do so before you're able to utilize this resource. 

Can't find saved files from a previous session

  • If you saved your files to any location other than the desktop, your files will be lost after your session is ended. The desktop of the VM is persistent, meaning anything you save to the desktop will be available to you each time you sign into the VM. ITS recommends saving files to your VM's desktop, as well as your Onedrive before exiting your session. See the following guide for more information:
  • If your session expires / times out and you continue working without starting a fresh session, anything you save to the VM will be lost. 

Known Issues:

  • You will not be able to access more than one instance of Azure VM at a time. You can only have one active session open at any given time.
  • Azure VM must be set to open in a new tab. This must be set through Blackboard, instructors are able to make this change. If you're unsure how to accomplish this, please contact ITS or see the following guide for assistance (Applies to Faculty & ITS only):
  • When trying to launch a VM, an RDP file is downloaded instead. In your Azure VM dashboard, click the cog wheel in the top right corner and select the highlighted option (Resources Launch Method > Open resources in the browser) shown below:
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