Blackboard Technical Support Information
For technical support, contact the ITS Support Center using one of the methods below: Phone: (866) 517-3567 (Available 24/7/365) Live Chat: Start Live Chat (Available 24/7/365) Walk-in: Main Campus, Allman 106 (Limited hours. See detailed hours here) Online Ticket:
How do I Opt Out of First Day / Inclusive Access Program
To enhance your learning experience and provide affordable access to the right resources for your class, your course is part of an inclusive access program. You can easily access these resources for the discounted price, and benefit from single sign-on access with no codes required. Your school will bill you at the Opt-In Price as a course charge for this class. Please be advised it is NOT recommended that you Opt-Out, as these materials are required by your professor to complete the course. Should you choose to Opt-Out, you will then be responsible for purchasing your course materials at the Opt-Out Price and may have to work outside of the e-learning platform. To opt-out, click the ‘Want to opt-out?’ button, select your reason why and click Opt Out. If you Opt out, you will be responsible for purchasing these materials on your own. You are now Opted-Out and can Opt In again until the deadline. To do so, select ‘Want to opt-in?’ on the material. To purchase materials from the bookstore, select Buy Now. Please note, if purchasing materials from the bookstore you will pay a higher price as once you opt out, you no longer have access to the discounted rate.
Upload OneDrive files into Blackboard assignments
Upload the file into OneDrive 1. Sign in to Office 365 @ 2. Select the app launcher , and then select OneDrive. 3. Choose Upload > Files from the menu if you are uploading individual files. 4. Navigate to and select the file you are trying to upload. Select Open to upload. Connect OneDrive to Blackboard for the first time Note: You only need to complete this connection process once. 1. Open the Blackboard assignment and select Browse Cloud Storage. 2. Select OneDrive for Business. 3. Enter your full TechID (ex. 4. You will be presented with the Forsyth Tech login page. Enter your full TechID and password. 5. Select Accept. 6. Select your account to browse your files and upload:
Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation Student Quick Start Guide
Say goodbye to the old Blackboard Learn portal and say hello to Blackboard Learn Ultra Base Navigation, Forsyth Tech's next step in progressing to Blackboard Learn's more modern, intuitive navigation. This does NOT change how your courses look! In this guide: Institution Page Your Profile Activity Stream Courses Organizations Calendar Grades Institution Page An all-new landing screen with helpful links for using Blackboard and other resources. Profile In the list where your name appears, select your name to access your profile. Your profile appears with some information, and you can't delete your profile. Profile picture: Upload a picture to replace the generic silhouette. Basic Information: Update your personal information. Global Notification Settings: Set up notifications for course activities. Cloud Storage Accounts: Access your files in cloud storage. Activity Stream The up-to-the-minute activity stream lets you jump directly into course actions. You don't need to dig through the system, search for deadlines, or miss assignments and tests. Receive reminders. View pending deadlines or overdue assignments, tests, and graded discussions. Check your grades. Whenever your instructor grades an assignment, test, or graded discussion, you can access the grade in your stream. If your instructor updates a grade, the grade is also updated in the stream. Learn to juggle. Get a bird's eye view of your tasks across all your courses—then, prioritize! Filter your view. Use the Filter menu and choose Show All, Assignments and Tests, or Grades and Feedback. Courses View your courses in a timeline. Easily navigate to past, present, and future courses. You can view the Courses page as either a list or a grid. Each course card lists the course title and instructor. If your course has multiple instructors, select Multiple Instructors for a list. Select More info to see the course ID, description, and schedule, if available. You can see unavailable courses in your course list, but you can't access them. Unavailable courses appear with a gray accent line. Use the search bar or the filter at the top of the page to narrow your view. Use the search function to find courses on the current page. Move between past, current, and upcoming courses. If you have a lot of courses, you can also choose how many courses appear on each page. At the top of the list, you'll find a page selector to navigate through long lists. If you access a course frequently, you can select the star icon to add it to your favorites so it appears at the top of your course list. No more scrolling! You can select the star icon again to remove a course from your favorites when you're finished working in it often. Organizations Institutions have organizations of different types, from academic to special interest. Organizations work just like courses in Blackboard Learn. For example, they have content, discussions, messages, and more. You're a member if the organization is listed on the Organizations page. The organization leader and your institution manage enrollments, but you may be allowed to self-enroll. Contact the organization leader about enrollment. After you're enrolled, only the leader or an administrator can unenroll you. Organizations are listed in order of enrollment, with the most recent first. Calendar From the global calendar in the list where your name appears, you can see all your upcoming due dates and meetings across your courses—all in one place. In your calendar, find this event information: Due dates. Assignment due dates appear automatically on your calendar. Grades Your grades are organized by course name and term in alphabetical order. You can select most items in any course to view details. Want to dive in and focus on one course? Select a course name to go to that course's grades page. You may have two types of courses. If your instructor has set up the overall grade, select the grade pill next to the name of your course to open a panel with more information.
Navigate to Blackboard Collaborate
1. Open your internet browser (Forsyth Tech ITS recommends using Google Chrome when accessing online classwork and resources) and type '' into the address bar. If prompted, sign in using your Forsyth Tech student email address and password. 2. You should now see the home page of Blackboard. From the navigation pane on the left, click on Courses, and then select the course you wish to enter. 3. Most of the time, your instructor will have Blackboard Collaborate listed in the Course Menu on the left side of your screen. The link may have a different name such as: Blackboard Collaborate Collaborate Virtual Class Virtual Session BB Collaborate Live Session etc. If you do not see the above Course Menu, look for this chevron button to make it visible: If you do not see any of these links listed in the navigation pane, navigate to the Blackboard Tools page, then select Blackboard Collaborate Ultra from the list: 4. From the Blackboard Collaborate page, select the session you would like to join. You may be asked to allow or block usage of your microphone and webcam, be sure to click Allow. If you're still having issues with accessing or using Blackboard Collaborate, please reach out to your instructor, or submit a ticket at
Accessing Respondus Lockdown Browser on a ForsythTech Managed Chromebook
** IMPORTANT NOTES** Respondus Lockdown Browser for Chromebooks will only function on Chromebooks that are managed by Forsyth Technical Community College. Respondus Lockdown Browser for Chromebooks will not function with Respondus Monitor How To Students can launch LockDown Browser by selecting “LockDown Browser” from the Apps link on their login screen. The Apps link is found on the bottom left of Chromebook's display and is next to Shutdown button The first time LockDown Browser is started, the user will be presented with a dialog to enter their institution name and then select it from the list shown. This is a one-time process; on subsequent exams, students won’t be required to enter this information. When LockDown Browser starts, the login page for Forsythtech's Blackboard will appear and the student can log in and navigate to the exam that requires LockDown Browser. During an exam, the student will be locked into the testing environment until the assessment is submitted for grading.Once the exam is complete, a student will be able to review the exam feedback (if the exams settings permit this). To fully exit LockDown Browser, the user must restart the Chromebook.
Accidental Opt-Out of First Day Books after the Deadline has Passed
Summary: Once the deadline has passed, the Opt-In as an option on the Course Materials page option will be removed and you will no longer be able to Opt-In. While the deadline for opting-out is strict, if you accidentally Opted-Out and want to Opt-In again please contact Barnes and Noble College Customer Care for assistance. The ITS Support Center doesn't have the access or permission to restore access. How to Submit a Ticket with Barnes & Noble College Support Visit Select "First Day/ Inclusive Access" as your product, use your Forsythtech email address as your email, and type "Accidental Opt-Out after deadline" as your Subject. Complete the rest of the fields as required with the necessary information. Select the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page to complete your request. Barnes and Noble College will community with you via the email address enter you entered in the request. Additional Contact Information for Barnes and Noble College: Current Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM (Eastern Time) For Phone Support, please call: 1-844-9-EBOOKS (1-844-932-6657) For Email Support email
How to Make Your Jumpstart Appointments
1. Sign into Navigate using your TechID and password. Click here to access Navigate online 2. Click on Appointments from the navigation menu located on the left-hand side. 3. Click Schedule an Appointment 4. Click the down arrow under “What type of appointment would you like to schedule?” 5. Select Tutoring from the drop-down menu. 6. Click the down arrow for Service and choose from the list. The Learning Center's services are the top three choices. Click on Learning Center - Semester Start-up (Jumpstart) 7. Now choose the date you want to have a Jumpstart session. 8. One your date is chosen, the tutor(s) available will be listed and their available timeslots will be shown. Click on the timeslot you want to receive tutoring. Review your information. If you know what information you want the tutor(s) to help with during your session, include that in the area that asks "Would you like to share anything else?" This really helps the tutor prepare for your session! You can choose to receive an email reminder (to your Forsyth Tech email address) and/or text reminder to your phone. Click Schedule once you've entered that information! 10. Your appointment has been created. You and the tutor will receive email confirmation.
How to Cancel a JumpStart Appointment
On the Navigate homepage, click on Appointments. A list of upcoming appointments will be listed under the My Appointments tab. Click on the link for the appointment you want to cancel. 2. Select Cancel Appointment. 3. Select a reason from the drop-down menu; you are not required to leave comments but can if you would like 4. Once you click Cancel Appointment, you and the tutor will receive email confirmation of the cancellation.